The Disney Princess Craze | Humorist Devorah Blachor

#150: What's a feminist mom to do? In our 150th podcast, humorist Devorah Blachor lifts the veil on all things glittery and pink as we find out why our daughters are more princess-obsessed than ever. We talk about her brand new book THE FEMINIST'S GUIDE TO RAISING A LITTLE PRINCESS: HOW TO RAISE A GIRL WHO’S AUTHENTIC, JOYFUL, AND FEARLESS–EVEN IF SHE REFUSES TO WEAR ANYTHING BUT A PINK TUTU (TarcherPerigree). And, of course, because you're listening to Atomic Moms, we also speak candidly about depression, being your children's ally, and the time Sabrina tried to open mouth kiss me because she saw Prince Eric and Ariel do it in the book. xx Ellie Knaus, host Join our Private Facebook Group! Show Notes and Streaming: Instagram: @atomicmoms,  Subscribe and leave a written review to help us out! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Ellie Knaus celebrates and commiserates with world class experts, best-selling authors, and listeners around the world on Atomic Moms podcast. She shares the sweet and messy journey of her growing family and welcomes complex discussions on topics from postpartum anxiety to schooling to marriage after kids and how to build your village of mom-friends. Since 2014, listeners have found a welcoming space Ellie calls Switzerland in the Mommy Wars. Apple Podcasts features Atomic Moms podcast under its most popular Kids and Family recommendations. And Mental Floss named Atomic Moms in 19 Notable Podcasts About Parenting. Listen up anywhere you get your favorite podcasts and find us at and on Instagram @atomicmoms.