Sinéad O'Connor wearing a rainbow hijab on Good Morning Britain is queer

A mere 18 years old and mother of a three week old baby when her debut album, The Lion and the Cobra, was released, Sinéad O’Connor shot to stratospheric success off of her haunting vocals, powerful songwriting and give-no-fucks visuals. In this episode, we use Sinéad's blistering debut as a starting point for an exploration of her distilled queerness, her massive appeal to queer listeners, and exactly why is she so... very... O'Conic? We also touch on the Prince Thing, the Pope Thing, and ...

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Aural Fixation is a queer music podcast that explores LGBTQI+ themes in music and pop culture. Released fortnightly on Thursdays, each instalment follows besties Drew and Andy as they discuss an album that is loved by queer people, made by queer artists, or speaks to queer experiences. British expats living and recording in Sydney, Drew and Andy bring a uniquely cross-genre and cross-hemispheric viewpoint to being gay and loving music, shared perhaps only by the Minogue sisters. Aural Fixation is recorded and produced by @with.all.drew.respect and @andrewdoyouthinkyouare. Follow us on Facebook at Aural Fixation Podcast, on Instagram at @auralfixationpodcast, email us at or head to to learn more. Oh, and if you like us please give us a rating and review.