Venom Collection with Zac Bower - Australian Reptile Park

The following Wild Chat is with Zac Bower who is in charge of the Snake Venom Program at the Australian Reptile Park.Zac gives his life daily to milk over 100 venomous snakes a week which will help save an estimated 300 lives per year here in Australia.The Australian Reptile Park has been the sole supplier of terrestrial snake venom for the purpose of making antivenom which so far has contributed to saving over 20,000 lives since the program's beginnings back in the 1960’s.Here in Australia, ...

Om Podcasten

Australian Wildlife Education: Wild Chats, is a podcast bringing you interesting conversations about anything and everything to do about our Natural World, specifically Australian Wildlife, Sustainability and Conservation. Jodie Creek is the founder of AWE and believes Education is the Key to Conservation, and in saying that will be bringing you the experts in all fields to arm you with the knowledge and spark a curiosity in you to help make a change for our Natural World. Enjoy the following Wild Chats!