The Corrupt World Health Organisation - James Roguski (#268)
The Corrupt World Health Organisation - James Roguski Roy from 55 Mins Freedom Broadcaster Livestream Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 Guest: James Roguski Topic: The Advanced Unedited Version of the “Negotiating Text” of the WHO Bio: James Roguski is a researcher, author, natural health proponent and an activist who believes that the old systems are rightfully crumbling, so we must build their replacements quickly. In March 2022, James uncovered documents regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and was instrumental in raising awareness about them which resulted in the amendments being rejected. James is now doing everything possible to expose the WHO's hidden agenda behind their proposed "pandemic treaty" as well as the WHO's ongoing attempts to amend the International Health Regulations. James' vision for the future can be summarized by the phrase: "Out of the WHO and in with the NEW". James Roguski Phone | Text | Signal | WhatsApp | Telegram +1-310-619-3055 Skype: james.roguski ===== Thanks to my Sponsors : If you or know some body you know is struggling with anxiety and want to know how to be 100% anxiety free, in 6 weeks, without therapy or drugs, fully guaranteed - then let me tell you about our sponsor Daniel Packard. Daniel Packard is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer and his research company spent 8 years researching and testing to develop an innovative process that solves your anxiety permanently in just 6 weeks - with an astounding 90% success rate. And because their program is so effective, people who join their program only pay at the end, once they have clear, measurable results. If you’re interested in solving your anxiety in 6 weeks - fully guaranteed - and you want to learn more and have a free consultation with Daniel, go to -------------------------- Do you have High Blood Pressure and/ or want to get off the Meds Doctors are amazed at what the Zona Plus can do $50 Discount Code ROY ----------------- What we Discussed: - Who is James Roguski ( 1 mins) - The trickery and Meaning of Words ( 9 mins) - WHO trying to having ability to declare a pandemic ( 13 mins) - Will they have ability to mandate the next poisoned needle (22 mins) - Knowing your inalienable rights ( 31 mins) - The Federal Government have no authority over health care ( 33 mins) - Tedros head of WHO tweets that Climate Change increase the rate of diabities, cancer and more diseases ( 36 mins) - Making diseases and jab to solve them ( 47 mins) - The Peoples Declaration ( 53 mins) - Is there any Countries against the WHO ( 55 mins) - 1st Dec is the last time to Reject the WHO Ammendments ( 57 mins) - Using your own Rights to fight the Evil ( 1 hr 1 min) - How important the signature is ( 1Hr 4 mins) - Has the WHO done anything of benefit ( 1 hr 7 mins) - Don't let the Ego prevent you from admiting you were wrong ( 1 hr 13 mins) - Conflict of Interest with Gates involved with Gavi, Producing the poisoned jab & the WHO ( 1 hr 17 mins) - What was the 1st Red Pill Moment for you ( 1 hr 20 mins) - How to know the who to support against this ( 1 hr 23 min) - If Sources have Revealed then know who was the Souce ( 1 hr 24 mins) - The Bulls**t Filter ( 1hr 26 mins) - How the Biden Admin is Tied to the WHO ( 1 hr 28:30 mins) - Trump Took Money from WHO and gave to Gavi ( 1 hr 30 mins) - Graces Red Pill Monent ( 1 hr 35 mins) - Karls Red Pill Moment ( 1 hr 36 mins) - Roys Red Pill Moment ( 1 hr 38 mins) - Land owned by Crown ( 1 hr 42 mins) Interview Panel: Grace Asagra Podcast: Quantum Nurse Dr. Karl Moore, PhDPodcast: Made in Nature Roy Coughlan Podcast: AWAKENING