#691: [MIGRATION SPECIAL SERIES] AJE Group's Cloud Transformation Journey to AWS with CloudHesive

In this episode, we explore AJE Group's journey to the cloud, discussing the business challenges that led them to seek a scalable, global IT infrastructure. We delve into their decision-making process in choosing AWS and CloudHesive as partners, and examine the specific AWS services implemented and their impact on operations. The conversation highlights how CloudHesive's expertise in security, and scalability benefited AJE Group throughout their migration. We also address the challenges faced during the migration process and how they were overcome. Resources: https://www.ajegroup.com/ https://www.cloudhesivelatam.com/ https://aws.amazon.com/es/solutions/case-studies/aje/"

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The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha and Hawn Nguyen-Loughren for regular updates, deep dives, launches, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, the Official AWS Podcast has something for you.