#697: [The Frugal Architect w/Werner Vogels] How PBS makes every penny count... For viewers like you

In 1969, Mr. Rogers went before the US Senate Commerce Committee to request funds to support the growth of Public Broadcasting. His heartwarming request is often remembered as a pivotal moment in American television history, highlighting the importance of educational programming that serves the public good. Today, that mission endures, and Mike Norton and his team at PBS continue to honor it in their own way -- by stretching every public dollar as far as it can go. In a world where resources are finite but the demand for quality, accessible content is ever-growing, these engineers work behind the scenes to maximize efficiency, leverage innovative technologies, and make every penny count... for viewers like you. Fred Rogers' Testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA Blog Post: https://www.thefrugalarchitect.com/architects/mike-norton-pbs.html

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