Episode 86: How to make your account-based strategies more effective with Jon Russo

For this week’s guest Jon Russo, if one word defines success in 2023, it’s efficiency. He joins shenanigan-filled host Katie Martell (her words, not ours) to unpack how to make your account-based strategies more effective. They discuss getting your team singing off the same ICP hymn sheet in order to scale, what you’re getting wrong about measurement (and how to get it right), translating marketing-speak for sales and the c-suite, and why change isn’t a one-on-one conversation. You can find out more about finessing your account-based strategies at Jon’s session at Ignite USA – the leading state-side event on all things B2B. Over two days, you’ll hear from inspirational peers and pioneers, moving you forward to new frontiers. Book your discounted three for two tickets with the code 3for2. Hurry, your offer ends on 24th March, so secure your spot today: https://events.b2bmarketing.net/igniteusa/tickets?&utm_source=editorial&utm_medium=cta&utm_campaign=ignite_usa&utm_term=episode_68:_how_to_make_your_account-based_strategies_more_effective_with_jon_russo

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