Emilia - What is a Postpartum Doula?

On today's podcast I speak to the lovely Emilia who is the founder of @motherbear.postpartum, she is a postpartum doula and doula business coach. I asked Emilia to run through what it is that a postpartum doula can do to support families with a Newborn and beyond. If you aren't already following me on insta head over to @bub2sleep for all my top tips and advice around sleep and parenting. I offer a free 15 minute phone chat to run through all your questions, click her...

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Donna Moala is Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant, wife & mother of 3, supporting families throughout the world with her 1:1 guidance, for them to be able to achieve the miracle of sleep, via in home consults or zoom. Nurturing, holistic, supportive and NEVER Cry It Out.  Working with expectant parents through to children 7 years old. Donna Moala is the founder of Bub2sleep. Donna is heart driven and passionate about spreading all the positive, biological, evidence based sleep truth, to make sleep support a positive experience and try to empower families to use their parental instinct and understand sleep is not a luxury it is a biological requirement and with love, comfort, support and never having to leave, that their bub can master the miracle of sleep.