Episode 621: Hairy Legs and the Whole Nine

You’re either early or you’re late; leave time for a flat tire; have you tried melatonin?; a new search engine and some enthusiasm for blogs. Links:Searching for a Search Engine — I've long been on the lookout for a search engine that would let me filter out sites that I've found to be more noise than signal. After a little over a month of paid use, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about Kagi.Kagi SearchStandBy is a great way to reduce distractions (and screen time)Tiny Awards, a celebration of the small, playful, and heartfelt web - Waxy.orgBlade Runner | Typeset In The FutureuBlock Origin - Free, open-source ad content blocker.uBlacklist for Safari on the App StoreTraditional Development - #6 in the Strong Towns Curbside Chat Video Series - YouTubeooh.directory: a place to find good blogs that interest you — A collection of 1957 blogs about every topicWaxy.org - Andy Baio lives herekottke.org - home of fine hypertext productsQuotes to get right. #runx — Authoritative-ish citations are added and updated as available.Ep. 502: "Dr. Guy" - Roderick on the Line - Merlin Mann — The Problem: John is a different kind of dog. (Recorded on Monday, June 19, 2023.)

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Back to Work is an award winning talk show with Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin discussing productivity, communication, work, barriers, constraints, tools, and more.