Episode 10: Roy Cohn

The Polestar Of Human Evil.  Stay tuned to this feed for Season 2 coming late summer/early fall; and special episodes featuring interviews and other content all summer. Thank you so much for your overwhelming support over the course of this first season. We're chuffed. We wish you productive, healthy, happy summers; free of evil twinks.  ----more---- SOURCES: Von Hoffman, Nicholas. Citizen Cohn: The Life and Times of Roy Cohn. New York: Doubleday, 1988. Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. Tyrnauer, Matt. Where's My Roy Cohn? http://www.altimeterfilms.com/wheres-my-roy-cohn. See review: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/jan/27/wheres-my-roy-cohn-review-damning-documentary-on-villainous-lawyer

Om Podcasten

A podcast about evil and complicated queers in history. Why do we remember our heroes better than our villains? What can we learn by focusing on the dark side of queer history?