FHS 188 – Wes Meek

Wes hails from Lexington Kentucky, and stopped by with his pal Clifton Keller (who is starting to make our living room his second home after coming in with In Endeavors and Dickie Haydon, as well as his own forthcoming session). His incredible dynamic range lent itself to finally trying out the infamous (to recording nerds, at least) David Bowie Heroes mic technique – we put Wes on the couch and placed mics at 1 foot, 12 feet, and 20-odd feet away. It proved to be the perfect way to capture this incredible performance. Song List: * Sea Monster * Home * Untitled #1 * * Conversation of Eve and Satan Wes on MySpace

Om Podcasten

A weekly preview/review of the best live music happening around Boston. Also home to The Flophouse Sessions- bands from Boston and beyond play stripped-down semi-acoustic sets in the comforts of our living room! Keep it live. Keep it local. Keep it Boston.