Current State of Digital Banking Transformation

Digital Banking Report has just released a study on the current state of digital transformation in the banking industry. This research not only looks at the digital transformation maturity of banking today, but also the components of digital transformation leader organizations.   The research found that there is still more hype than reality when we look at the progress of digital transformation in banking. While the focus in on improving the customer experience, few organizations have leveraged intelligent technologies to deliver on this mission.   To discuss this research report and the implications of the findings, I am joined by Alan Trefler, Founder and CEO of Pega – the sponsor of the Digital Banking Report research. Alan not only provides his perspective on where the industry is from a technology perspective, but also discusses the challenges of embracing new business models, finding the right talent, changing internal cultures and creating customer engagement.

Om Podcasten

Are you prepared to embrace change, take risks and disrupt yourself in response to the digital disruption in banking? If not, this podcast is for you. Hosted by top 5 banking and fintech influencer, Jim Marous, Banking Transformed highlights the leadership and cultural challenges facing the banking industry. Featuring interviews with some of the top minds in business, this podcast explores how financial institutions can prepare for the future of banking.