Life update podcast. Behind the scenes 6 months in the life of The Barefoot Autism Warriors Family 6 months after starting over and moving into our temporary house.I will reveal the secrets and details about:👣 From shock to peace and starting from scratch at age 52 (and making it.)👣House hunting and the stress of finding land and a tiny home for an off-grid lifestyle. 👣Update on my cancer recovery.👣What we're going to do when our contract expires in December and we'll have to move.👣The power of prayer and "asking and it is given."👣How my children feel about my exit from New Age, bible, prayers and God.👣Why I've removed most of the ex-new agers that I have featured on my Instagram and why & how ex-new agers get tricked into new cults, matrices and deception.👣The dangers of being "hijacked" after leaving New Age and the price we must pay for true healing and for being covered and protected by God (that most people feel embarrassed of committing to. 👣Overcoming cancer & the realisation of soulmate deceptions.👣Why do my children have to work extra hard and how I make ends meet.👣Breakthroughs and changes in my recovered child. Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready... 1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles. 2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers. 3. Work with me privatelyIf you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.

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The "pick me up" podcast for overwhelmed autism warrior moms who are looking to get their child and their life back. Done with wasting time & money on in-effective therapies, extreme autism diets, supplements, test and Biomed protocols? Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's autism around in Nature.This podcast is where you find the holistic tools, mindset strategies, experts and success path she used to get him from stimming, sleepless nights, tantrums, chaos and no eye contact to a neurotypical life. Replace stress anxiety and fear with hope, peace and clarity and inner/spiritual guidance. Autism is a messenger. When we listen, change and return to nature - peace is restored. In our child and in our family. Autism