Imagine thinking that you're paying big bucks for homoeopathic drops or hiring an alternative (or holistic) healer to help your child - and (unknowingly)  you're allowing dark spirits to access your child, manipulate and destroy your family (or your body) in exchange for initial healing. Would you like to know, or would you hold on to your beliefs instead? The truth might cost you money, friends and acknowledgement. I lost almost everything in that exchange, but I am so grateful for the peace and simplicity I gained instead (with God and the only pure spirit there is).Did you know that "IT WORKS" doesn't equal IT IS GOOD FOR YOU LONGTERM?Quite the contrary. It's been two years since I escaped the deception and replaced New Age with God, purity and peace. I almost didn't make it out alive, and I want you to get an easier ride.  (More on that in the podcast/youtube video anniversary edition.)If you believe in the powers of the spiritual realm - you need to know about the dark forces battling for your soul (and your child). It's disguised as light, beauty, healing, and "downloads", and it doesn't show its ugly face until you're broken, broke and convinced that it's YOU or your child that's the problem because you are doing all the right things and nothing leads to long term and lasting peace.You're unaware that the night terror, lack of recovery results, anxiety, depression or practical/emotional/financial problems you're all struggling with are signs of dark, spiritual activity in your home. Had it been any other therapist or expert messing with your child's health and sanity, you'd sue them. But because most of these "healers" are unaware, used by malevolent, dark forces whilst thinking that they're doing you well, AND because this is a spiritual battle for your soul in the unseen realms....you can't get your money back (or revenge).But. You can get your child and your life back. You can purify yourself from impure spirits and avoid long-term consequences. There's a catch though (and most people aren't willing to do what it takes. This blog (and youtube video is dedicated to those who are. There's a reason why there has been a TSUNAMI of people leaving the New Age since 2017 (especially 2019-2021). Spiritual healers, card readers, homoeopaths, chakra healers, Goddess coaches, shamans, crystal healers, channels, witches and mediums are leaving businesses, friends and followers behind and turning to God & the only spiritual guidance that's genuinely pure (more on that later).Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready... 1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles. 2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers. 3. Work with me privatelyIf you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.

Om Podcasten

The "pick me up" podcast for overwhelmed autism warrior moms who are looking to get their child and their life back. Done with wasting time & money on in-effective therapies, extreme autism diets, supplements, test and Biomed protocols? Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's autism around in Nature.This podcast is where you find the holistic tools, mindset strategies, experts and success path she used to get him from stimming, sleepless nights, tantrums, chaos and no eye contact to a neurotypical life. Replace stress anxiety and fear with hope, peace and clarity and inner/spiritual guidance. Autism is a messenger. When we listen, change and return to nature - peace is restored. In our child and in our family. Autism