Ep 18. Google gave us a cake! WebSummit 2019 full video released, $20 gift card for machine learning

The Weekly BAT + Podcast ep. 18 (Nov. 29, 2019) — Brendan Eich’s full keynote presentation at WebSummit 2019 released: “The Future of Privacy-by-default” (video), Google gives a Brave 1.0 birthday cake to Brave (real), Help us train our Brave Ads machine learning!

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Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a revolutionary digital advertising and rewards platform from the inventor of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox that rewards users in Ethereum-based BAT tokens. Brave is a fast, BAT-powered privacy browser that blocks all 3rd-party ads and trackers by default. Learn more about BAT, Brave and tech with this podcast!