Ryan Walsh - ’On Claudio’

I'm joined for this special bonus episode by Ryan Walsh, who discusses his fascinating article on Curt Claudio, the man that went to Tittenhurst in 1971 to talk to John, as captured by a film crew and originally shown in the 1988 'Imagine' film. Ryan shares detail on who this man was, why he felt the need to go to meet John and what happened to him, You can read the article here - https://medium.com/@JahHills/on-claudio-the-man-who-sought-out-john-lennon-to-ask-if-his-songs-were-about-him-c0b34c5d57ac  

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A podcast that chats to a wide variety of Beatle authors and writers. What inspired them to add their entry into a library of over 1000 books?