Beautiful Follow-Ups: The Whirlpool Galaxy (BA+ Bonus)

Every month, subscribers at the Touch Tone tier of Beautiful/Anonymous+ get a bonus follow-up episode with a past caller. For February, that call is with one of our community's most beloved callers, "The Whirlpool Galaxy" (EP104, March 19, 2018). We've decided to share the first part of this conversation with everyone in the Beautiful/Anonymous community because we know how important this caller and her story have become to all of you, and she has some truly incredible updates to share. Enjoy!  In her first call, "The Whirlpool Galaxy," our caller spoke with Gethard about coping with the grief from an unbelievable tragedy and her work as a new astrophysics researcher. Since then, she has become an integral part of the Beautiful Anonymous community, returning for the first in-person follow-up, and joining us at Beautiful/CONonymous to co-host a screening of her favorite movie, Contact. She returns to Beautiful/Anonymous this week to catch us up on the incredible developments in her life since. And, of course, she takes her turn at the Wheel of Random Questions. Watch the trailer for Space, Hope and Charity here: Sign up for Beautiful/Anonymous+ to get access to exclusive content.

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1 phone call. 1 hour. No names. No holds barred. Thats the premise behind Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People, hosted by comedian Chris Gethard (the Chris Gethard Show, Broad City, This American Life, and one of Time Outs 10 best comedians of 2015). Every week, Chris opens the phone line to one anonymous caller, and he cant hang up first, no matter what. From shocking confessions and family secrets to philosophical discussions and shameless self-promotion, anything can and will happen! Theme song by Shellshag.