Fashion Fix: Vintage Fashion with @internetgirl

Can something old feel like something new? On a mission to mend fashion, model and activist Charli Howard embraces 'thrifting' for vintage, rather than throwaway fast fashion.Charli meets online re-seller, stylist and entrepreneur Bella McFadden, AKA @internetgirl. Together they step into the Depop pop-up shop- a real world incarnation of the online reselling app, incongruously located in a department store. Clothes are Bella's life as well as her business and she shares how thrifting let her find her style as a teenager. But why is thrift not quite as thrifty as it used to be? Plus, eco-fashion blogger and stylist Greta Eagan compares leather and pleather, looks to the fabrics of the future and gives us her tips for sustainable dressing.Presenter: Charli Howard Producer: Kirsty McQuire Editor: Rebecca Stratford If you are affected by issues raised in this episode you can get more information at

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Model and author Naomi Shimada meets the people from the world of fashion and beauty who know how to get their beauty fix, while showing that beauty is anything but fixed. Naomi lifts the filter on selfies and self-care, with models, influencers and campaigners, all fixing broken beauty standards in their own way.