Jennifer Powter - Losing Weight After The Age Of 40

In this episode you will learn: What is your inner dialog revealing?   Why you may be stuck if you are currently doing this one thing. There is hope, even if you have tried it all. Jennifer Powter, founder of The Weight Loss Academy and best-selling author of Diet Disruption: The Weight Loss Solution for the Chronic Serial Dieter and Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss: Why You Do It and How to Fix It, is one of the nation's top life transformation coaches. She works with high-achieving, driven women who want to feel good in their own skin and confident again. As a Weight Loss & Mindset Expert for women over 40, Jennifer has helped thousands of women reclaim their bodies (and their minds) by taking a truly soulful and scientific approach to weight loss and establishing a solid foundation for lasting transformation - one that empowers women and helps them stop sabotaging their success. As well as holding a master’s degree in science, Jennifer is a clinical exercise physiologist, a double-certified health and life coach, and an emotional intelligence practitioner. She has also experienced her own transformational weight loss journey, permanently losing more than thirty-five pounds that had held her back for years. Over the last twenty years, Jennifer has helped thousands of women reclaim their bodies and minds, using her proven Metabolic Profile Index (MPI) assessment to help every woman determine exactly what she needs, emotionally and metabolically - and she does so in a judgment-free zone, after all, she's been there herself, and knows how tough the weight loss journey can be. Jennifer lives near the breathtaking Rocky Mountains in Calgary, Alberta, with her family and their gorgeous St. Bernard, Harley. You can find Jennifer at:

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Holly Bilicki is a Beauty Transformation Coach. ® Holly helps women create an internal and external make-over so they feel beautiful on the inside, look beautiful on the outside and live a happier life. A credentialed Health Educator from Hippocrates Health Institute, specializing in detoxification, eating unprocessed foods and emotional eating. She believes true beauty comes from within and is a reflection of owning your inner power and honoring your deep wisdom. In these podcast episodes, we will show you how to thrive, not just survive when it comes to Beauty and your Health. Together we will create internal and external makeovers.