Ep 6 - BECOMING:known

Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com Sometimes you need to look back to move forward. Break down the true (not trite) meaning of Love found in scripture that leads to BECOMING:known in the season finale of #BECOMINGus. You can learn the same BECOMING practices shared by Moriah & Joel by visiting www.thebecomingacademy.com. Use the discount promo code “Smallbone”. www.becomingfoundation.org 1 Corinthians 3:17-18 Journey to Bethlehem Movie in Theaters.

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In just 6 episodes of BECOMING:us, you’ll witness authentic conversations between two artists and their mentor. Moriah and Joel Smallbone dig deep into their story for truths that have guided them through their career, marriage and creative endeavors...each episode landing on a powerful and practical tool interpreted by friend, guide and spiritual contemplative, Kerry Hasenbalg. You can expect vulnerability, honesty and humor in this cinematic podcast which speaks to the uniquely challenging, triumphant and (at times) preposterous moments of life. Uncover useful insight on what love really looks like in sickness and in health; in the good times and the uncertain. Click “subscribe” and use #Becomingus on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to join the online communal conversation around what it means to become all that God intended us to be.