Why do we get sick and what are vaccines?

This episode is about viruses and bacteria and how we get sick. We talk about vaccines. We learn how vaccines are basically a small sample of the virus. The virus goes into the body and introduces the itself to the white blood cells, which are the way the body defends itself. Once the body learns about the disease it knows how to deal with the virus if it sees it in the future.

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Bedtime stories that are fun and educational. The stories contain facts and info about geography and astronomy and history. They are not scary. Any 5 year old can listen to them and fall asleep to a good night of dreams. If you like this story, please share the podcast with your friends. And rate the show on iTunes so other people can find it and listen. Maya's page is at https://mayathesciencekid.com where you can see her videos and show notes. To contact Maya: EMAIL: MayaTheScienceKid@gmail.com TWITTER: @MayaSeattle Maya also has a Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/MayaTheScienceKid where you can become a super supporter. We'd love to show Maya that people care enough to subscribe there and whatever she makes there will go towards teaching her to manage her own money.