Beer Prime - Episode 72 - UnBarred with Emma Inch

Episode 72 - UnBarred with Emma Inch | I follow up with Jordan Mower from UnBarred Brewery in Brighton (my guest in Episode 34, back in October 2021). This time I record with Jordan in the brewery, having "supervised" a brew day of Joosy! I welcome Emma Inch as my guest co-host and we also meet Jane Peyton, the brains behind Beer Day Britain (every year on 15th June - the very day we recorded). You can also hear snippets from the brew day, with UnBarred's Russ and Gary. There's also a Speakpipe message from Indie Rabble's Dave Hayward! Its a long one, so here's an index in case you want to jump to a particular part: INDEX: 0:04:52 Brewing Joosy 0:17:40 Jordan and Emma 01:31:44 Emma 01:44:20 Jane Peyton - Beer Day Britain LINKS: UnBarred Emma Inch Beer Day Britain Speakpipe - leave me a message!

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Podcast about Craft Beer. I talk to guests from around the craft beer community - not just breweries. There will also be chances to WIN beer from some of the guests, so subscribe to be kept up-to-date!