Stanchurian Candidate

With: Alex Hirsch (Creator and Excutive Producer), Robert "Rob" Renzetti (Supervising Producer). When Grunkle Stan decides to run for mayor, Dipper and Mabel have their work cut out for them trying to turn their gaffe-prone uncle into the perfect candidate. 

Om Podcasten

With Alex Hirsch and the other crew members from the show. Audio tracks taken from the Gravity Falls: The Complete Series: Collector's Edition distributed by Shout! Factory. You can buy the 7 discs to watch it with the video track and support the show's creators on Shout! Factory or Amazon. Featuring: Alex Hirsch, Jason Ritter, Kristen Schaal, Mike Rianda, Robert "Rob" Renzetti, Alonso Ramirez Ramos, Matt Braly, Ariel Hirsch, Matt Chapman, Jackie Buscarino, Shion Takeuchi, Jeff Rowe, Brad Breeck.