040: Anderson East

What's Up at the Belly Up this week features Anderson East! This podcast was part of our TV show, Live at the Belly Up on which will air Fridays in the fall on KPBS. We learn about Anderson's house cleaning skills, grass cutting skills and FOOD ALLERGIES or lack thereof!


Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Belly Up Podcast! This is a podcast that features things related to the world famous music venue located in Solana Beach, CA - our friends, touring artists, people that make us laugh and everything in between. To check out who is playing the club: www.be​llyup.​com. To download albums and singles from past artists: www.be​llyupl​ive.com. Your hosts are: Meryl Klemow, Show Promotions Manager. Meryl enjoys podcasting, green juices, cheese and round animals like manatees. Say hi (or send her a happy animal video) to Meryl on fb or instagram: @merylklemow. Damian DeRobbio, Production Director. Damian enjoys family, surfing, cooking, lovable humans and honest music. Say hello to D at Bellyu​pprodu​ction@​gmail.​com