A NEW MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB - Pick a Card Tarot Reading - Tues. July 20, 2021
Wild Pack, if you've been striving to accomplish in the recent past, today's message may feel a bit strange. But, trust in Flamingo and the Two of Wands and I promise you'll thank them for their wisdom very soon. Need to maintain a sense of balance in your life? Looking to remain steadfast amid chaos? Flamingo, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Flamingo teaches you how to stand strong in the face of a storm, all while showing you how to tap into your inner well of harmony! TAROT CARD MEANINGS Your insights and accomplishments have prepared you to take some bold, but calculated risks. You know you’ve already come a long way when you see the Two of Wands. As you stand behind your castle’s battlements, your authority and wealth can be seen for miles. From here, you can easily survey the rich towns and fertile lands or your domain. The staff behind you on the Two of Wands tarot card is securely fastened to one of the battlements. It shows that you have used your talents wisely. SPIRIT ANIMAL MEANINGS Flamingo is an ancient water bird that prefers wetlands. We think of our friend in a classic framework with its dramatic pink feathers standing on one foot. The color of Flamingo figures into his symbolism two ways. First, the brighter the pink Flamingo is, the healthier it is (literally Flamingo is in the pink). Second, we can consider the hue itself – representing friendship, playfulness, charm, harmony, acceptance, contentment, and romance. What do the colorful Flamingo and the Two of Wands have in store for your Tuesday pick a card tarot reading? Watch the video to find out! 0:23 Flamingo Spirit Animal Meanings2:07 Two of Wands Rider Waite Smith Tarot Meanings10:57 Flamingo Spirit Animal Meanings13:58 Orange Syadisthana Sacral Chakra Correspondence14:17 Flamingo Spirit Animal Meanings Buy your Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck now! https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/product/the-ark-animal-tarot-oracle-deck/ JOIN the WILD PACK on the FREE FORUMS: https://wildpackwisdom.com/forums/ Book a reading with Bernadette: https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/product/shamanic-spirit-animal-reading/ More about Two of Wands: https://www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com/tarot-card-meanings/minor-arcana/suit-wands/the-two-of-wands-tarot/ More about Flamingo Spirit Animal: https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/spirit-totem-power-animal-meanings/birds/flamingo-symbolism-meaning/ https://whatismyspiritanimal.com What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal. Try our spirit animal meditation and take our spirit animal quiz! Find hundreds of spirit animal meanings as well as your Native American Zodiac Sign! *Disclaimer* By reading, watching, and consuming (in any way) content (videos, readings, lives, et all) originating from Building Beautiful Souls, Inc. its holdings and/or agents (WhatisMySpiritAnimal.com, BuildingBeautifulSouls.com, WitchcraftandWitches.com, GatheringofMystics.com, WildPackWisdom.com) you agree all material contained therein is metaphysical and spiritual in nature and for entertainment purposes only. #PickaCard #DailyTarotReading #SpiritAnimal