Aries Tarot & Aries Horoscope August 2021 Zodiac Signs Astrology Forecast & Predictions

Aries, it's time to lay low and help give others a boost. And this August, the adorable Opposum arrives to show you how! Learn more about your Aries Tarot, Horoscope, and Astrology forecast in this video.    SPIRIT ANIMAL MEANINGS The Opossum (or Possum) has a variety of admirable associations around the world, including adept mothering skills, adaptability, concealment, and a little capriciousness to keep things interesting. Native Americans revered the Opossum for their ability to “play dead” and would mimic this action in battle; when the enemy started walking away, they then jumped up, making loud sounds, gaining the advantage.    What does the Opossum have in store for your August, 2021 pick a card tarot reading? Watch the video to find out! 0:09 Opossum Spirit Animal Meanings3:18 Aries August 2021 Astrology   Watch all August, 2021 Zodiac Animalscopes: JOIN the WILD PACK on the FREE FORUMS: Buy your Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck now! Book a reading with Bernadette: More about Opossum Spirit Animal: What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal. Try our spirit animal meditation and take our spirit animal quiz! Find hundreds of spirit animal meanings as well as your Native American Zodiac Sign! *Disclaimer* By reading, watching, and consuming (in any way) content (videos, readings, lives, et all) originating from Building Beautiful Souls, Inc. its holdings and/or agents (,,,, you agree all material contained therein is metaphysical and spiritual in nature and for entertainment purposes only. #PickaCard #MonthlyTarotReading #SpiritAnimal

Om Podcasten

Just like you, I love animals. Their care, rescue, and conservation has always been my heart’s passion. I built, The Ark Tarot & Oracle Cards Deck, and the Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals podcast as an answer to one of the strongest callings I’ve ever had. It’s my way of honoring the spiritual connection we all have with the animal kingdom. This podcast features interviews and explorations aimed at helping listeners better understand their own relationship with animals, become more conscious of and comfortable with their own animalistic nature (including their shadow side), discover and connect to their Animal Spirit Guides, develop their animal communication skills, utilize the ancient and divine wisdom of the animal kingdom to enrich their lives, and much more. Learn More About Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals Here: Learn More About the Ark Tarot Here: