Episode 151: The One With The End Of An Era

The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episodes 02x20 (Joey & The Actors Studio), 02x21 (Joey & The Holding Hands), and 02x22 (Joey & The Wedding) of Joey. You’ll hear us look back at this wild journey we've all been on together, you'll find out what's next for the BOF family, and you'll join us in celebrating the long overdue slaying of the seemingly unkillable beast that is... that was... Joey! We finally did it, folks. It may have taken us longer than anyone could have possibly imagined, but we did it. Who's ready for the bittersweet triumph of officially closing out the FRIENDS canon? Strap in, y'all -- it's the end of an era. Let's get floopy!

Best Of Friends Podcast
P.O. Box 421605
Los Angeles, CA 90042

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Om Podcasten

Best Of Friends is a weekly podcast in which Erin Mallory Long and Jamie Woodham hilariously guide you through every episode of Friends from beginning to end.