Tā Daniel Hākari Matariki nā Rebecca Beyer rāua ko Linley Wellington

E āmaimai ana a Daniel i tōna rā tuatahi i te kura. Engari i a ia e ako ana mō te wā o Matariki, ka ako hoki ia, he wā whakamaumahara, he wā tohatoha, he wā whakahoahoa hoki. Ko Aperahama Hurihanganui te kaitaki kōrero. Nā Akash Dutta rāua ko Gus Reece ngā puoroKo Duck Creek Press te whare perehiKo Prue Langbein Audio Ltd te tumu whakaputa,nā te pūtea tautoko o te RNZ/NZ On Air Innovation Fund. Nā Te Reo O Taranaki Charitable Trust i Whakamāori.Go to this episode on rnz.co.nz for more details

Om Podcasten

The latest and greatest children's stories and songs from NZ.