Ep. 11 - The Vagus Nerve: Your Body's Own Personal Reset Button

In this short and sweet (and silly) episode we give you practical and actionable tips for increasing the health of your vagus nerve. A strong vagus nerve helps us to cope with anxiety, have more resilience to stress and is even associated with important bodily functions such as immunity, digestion, and heart rate. Find us on Instagram:@bettermentsessions@natcolorshair@emilyannemorrowShoot us an email:bettermentsessionspodcast@gmail.comTo work with Emily for one-on-one mindset coaching visit emilyannemorrow.com/work-with-emily*Disclaimer: All information in this podcast is intended for general information purposes only.  By listening to this podcast you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information provided by this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening you agree that you do not hold Betterment Sessions Podcast, Emily Morrow, Natalie Morrow, or Emily Morrow Coaching liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.

Om Podcasten

Two sisters, Emily and Natalie Morrow along with occasional guests share from their own experiences, interests, and unique areas of expertise on an array of personal development topics. Emily and Natalie believe that even the most challenging parts of personal growth can be made a little easier by choosing an approach rooted in self compassion, playfulness, and authenticity. Here, you can expect to find inspiration for your own unique wellness journey to live your life, just that much better.