Ep. 22 - Light at the End of the Tunnel? Emotionally Coping in our Post Covid World
The pandemic has been an emotional roller-coaster for all of us, to say the least.In this episode, we break down a handful of some conflicting and complicated emotions you may be feeling as our world slowly returns back to what once was and offer some possibilities for tending to these emotions coming from a place of self compassion.Big takeaway: be kind to yourself, be kind to others. We're all navigating this the best way we can.Liked this episode? Check out these other similar episodes:Ep. 5 - How to Own Your Emotions So They Don't Own YouEp. 15 - What is Self Love, Anyway? Simple Strategies for Your Self Love PracticeEp. 17 - How to Get Out of a Mental FunkBecome a patron and get extra perks: patreon.com/bettermentsessionsCheck out our new website and download 15 free affirmations for mind, body, and soul: bettermentsessions.comFind us on Instagram:@bettermentsessions@natcolorshair@emilyannemorrowShoot us an email:bettermentsessionspodcast@gmail.comTo work with Emily for one-on-one mindset coaching visit emilyannemorrow.com/work-with-emily*Disclaimer: All information in this podcast is intended for general information purposes only. By listening to this podcast you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information provided by this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening you agree that you do not hold Betterment Sessions Podcast, Emily Morrow, Natalie Morrow, or Emily Morrow Coaching liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.