Ep. 23 - No Motivation? Try This Instead.
This episode is for you if you often find yourself excited to start new habits - whether that be a new workout routine, way of eating, hobby, or other goal - just to find that as soon as your initial motivation starts to wane you rebound right back into your old comfort zone. Most of us have a negative association with the idea of discipline. It brings up feelings of restriction and punishment. When we can flip this association and begin to realize that self discipline is the key to our freedom, we tap into the power to change our lives for the better, for the long haul.Sources for what Natalie learned about fear response in babies, and gut health:www.sciencealert.com/fear-in-babies-is-shaped-by-the-microbiome-inside-them-study-reveals/amphttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23281-y Liked this episode? Check out these other similar episodes:Ep. 3 - How to Identify Your Core Values & Why It MattersEp. 17 - How to Get Out of a Mental FunkEp.21- Hate Adulting? A Mindset Trick for Finding Joy in the MundaneBecome a patron and get extra perks: patreon.com/bettermentsessionsDOWNLOAD OUR 15 FREE AFFIRMATIONS FOR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL: bettermentsessions.comFind us on Instagram:@bettermentsessions@natcolorshair@emilyannemorrowShoot us an email:bettermentsessionspodcast@gmail.comTo work with Emily for one-on-one mindset coaching visit emilyannemorrow.com/work-with-emily*Disclaimer: All information in this podcast is intended for general information purposes only. By listening to this podcast you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information provided by this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening you agree that you do not hold Betterment Sessions Podcast, Emily Morrow, Natalie Morrow, or Emily Morrow Coaching liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.