Digestive and Pelvic Health with Dr. Christine Matheson

Dr. Christine Matheson, ND has been practicing as a licensed naturopathic doctor since 2001 in Ontario, Canada. She’s also an Arvigo® Therapist and a certified Kundalini yoga instructor who helps women experience wellness from the inside out by focusing on the vital step of achieving better belly health through thriving gut health, improved pelvic health and fertility health if trying to conceive. Her signature Belly Be Well™ Programs are offered either through one-on-one naturopathic consult...

Om Podcasten

The Between Two Lips Podcast is hosted by Kim Vopni The Vagina Coach and is a weekly show dedicated to all things pelvic health for women.  Kim and her guests discuss topics such as incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy, birth, perimenopause, menopause, sex and pelvic surgery. Nothing is TMI here!