Endometriosis and Pelvic Health

Dr. Lj Johnson IHP. FDN-P. IIN, CHEK, specializes in endometriosis and hormones while utilizing wholisitic functional medicine. Dr. Lj has worked in the women's health industry for over 25 years while overcoming her own diagnosis of endometriosis. Lj’s passion is to empower, motivate and educate all women, so they too can have quality of life despite their symptoms or diagnosis. https://www.ljspowerhouse.orgFacebook - https://bit.ly/3KvL4nEInstagram - https://bit.ly/3D5zwGoTikTok -...

Om Podcasten

The Between Two Lips Podcast is hosted by Kim Vopni The Vagina Coach and is a weekly show dedicated to all things pelvic health for women.  Kim and her guests discuss topics such as incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy, birth, perimenopause, menopause, sex and pelvic surgery. Nothing is TMI here!