Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Is This The Miracle Cure?

Becky has been a Physical Therapist for over 22 years, and has been specializing in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy since 2009. She earned her Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification (PRPC) in 2016. Her current role is regional VP and clinician for Activcore Physical Therapy and Performance in Princeton NJ. She has become passionate about hypopressives since she was first introduced to Low Pressure Fitness in 2016 and continued on with her training to become Low Pressure Fitness (LPF-CER...

Om Podcasten

The Between Two Lips Podcast is hosted by Kim Vopni The Vagina Coach and is a weekly show dedicated to all things pelvic health for women.  Kim and her guests discuss topics such as incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy, birth, perimenopause, menopause, sex and pelvic surgery. Nothing is TMI here!