Making dumb cities Smart

In this episode of the Beyond Buildings Podcast we talk to Dr Alireza Ghods and Omid Mogharian From

And with us is also Anthony Veri Jr, who adds his expertise in the Smart City space. 

We talk about their NATIX on the edge platform, and how it can make dumb cameras smart, without replacing existing infrastructure. is up to 85 percent cheaper than traditional approaches, Up to 8 times faster

And due to the fact it's on the edge (doesn't send all data to the vloud) data protection and security is more future proof than ever before.

It's like this bowl of data where the police department, fire department and any other stakeholder can create apps based on a dataset that is shared in the city. This leads to a democratization of smart city innovation.

How can an enabling view of technology speed up the creation of Smart Cities? How can cutting edge technology help in reaching the global goals?

Listen to this amazing episode and find out one piece of the puzzle! 

Go above and beyond, with the Beyond Buildings Podcast.


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Predicting what the world will do in a week, a month, a year from now. We talk to Innovative leaders on how they create optimal value in a Smart World Context. We combine strategy and technology talk, realizing that it is the fast that eats the slow. Speed is everything and that is why this podcast sets out to help people get started, get going and how to succeed with digitalization initiatives in a smart world context. Technology is easy, it’s the rest that is the tricky part! It's Smart Cities, It's Smart Buildings and most importantly, it's Smart People!