27 April 2023 - Brexit: not the boon that was expected

It is generally accepted that if a vote on Brexit were conducted now there would be an overwhelming win for remain. This is more a testimony to the aggressive tactics used by leave campaigners at the time, compared to the underwhelming performance of remain. Of course, there have been factors outside Brexit that have affected the economy since the country left the European Union, not least the pandemic, which to be fair, notwithstanding partygate, and other Boris Johnson related issues, the country handled fairly well. The Pandemic should be viewed like a war. No one in Government had experienced anything like it before and decisions were made semi-blind, with little or no guarantee of success. Brexiteers used jingoistic language, playing on people’s mistrust of European characteristics, which were an overhang of long since ended views. Beyond Currency Market Commentary: Aims to provide deep insights into the political and economic events worldwide that can cause currencies to change and how this can affect your FX Exposure.

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