Making Ideas Behave - Crafting Irresistible Messages with Tamsen Webster

Tamsen Webster is a message strategist who helps experts make their ideas irresistible. She’s the former executive producer of TEDx Cambridge, one of the legacy TEDx conferences and before that spent 13 years as a Weight Watchers leader. We discussed why ideas are so important, how to differentiate your ideas in a crowded market, and behind-the-scenes of TEDx conferences.

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How do you build a sustainable career in an unpredictable world? We believe if you learn to weave a network of people who trust you, there will always be someone willing to hire you, buy from you, or work with you. Beyond Networking features intimate conversations with legends and leaders of industries about the relationships, connections, and chance encounters on which they built their success. Your host is Brian Miller, a former professional magician turned author, speaker, and consultant on human connection. Follow on social with #beyondnetworking