Bain’s Worldwide Managing Partner Talks Passion for Results

Manny Maceda, Bain’s Worldwide Managing Partner, joins us to kick off a 5-part series on our Operating Principles. Like other episodes, you’ll hear Manny’s career journey, but you’ll also hear why these core principles produce our outstanding results, empower our teams, and make us a great place to work from the voice of our global leader. Join us as we define our Operating Principles, and hear why Manny believes the principle “Passion for Results” is rooted in the success of the firm and our clients.

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Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting at Bain & Company, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives. You can read their business bios online, but those barely scratch the surface of who they are and the important work they are doing. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at