Beyond the Boundaries With Evangeline Sarda

The newest episode of Beyond the Boundaries just released with special guest: Evangeline Sarda! Evangeline is a lawyer, professor, conference director, and board member of GRI.In this episode, Evangeline shares her involvement with Group Relations. We reflect on the past year and a half of virtual conference life and explore the gains and losses as a result of COVID-19 and having to adjust to doing the work from home. Also! The conversation heats up with Critical Race Theory! You won’t want to miss this one!

Om Podcasten

This podcast, sponsored by Group Relations International (, an organization dedicated to serving as a home for people who have experienced the power of group relations work, particularly in combination with spirituality and social justice, was created to provide listeners with an alternative way to interact with Group Relations content, hear perspectives from seasoned Group Relations folks and people new to the work as well. Our vision was to continue our exploration of ”the work” we typical do in Group Relations Conferences in an alternative format that falls outside the typical boundaries of a Group Relations conference. Beyond the Boundaries is hosted by four GRI Co-creators, Emmanuel Molin, Amber Williams, Rod Smith, and Lauren Levy. Join us as we travel Beyond the Boundaries, together.