Preventing Identity-Based Violence | Rachel Brown | Ep. 21

Preventing violence in our communities and nation starts with us. Together we can be a part of making a difference in the world. Identity-based violence is being spread by a few loud voices, but more of us want unity and understanding. Together we can rise up above violence and prevent it from silencing minorities and marginalized communities. Rachel Brown is a brilliant historian and researcher at an organization called Over Zero. Over Zero is using communication to prevent, resist and rise ...

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Welcome to the Beyond the Lines Podcast. In a world where there are a few loud voices spreading division and hatred, we want you to know that there are more of us who want Unity and Love. We are a part of a community of people who love despite differences and listen to the stories of those who have been marginalized. We love beyond the lines of differences so that our lives can be full of diversity. We listen because we believe in human dignity for all people. Come listen with us and join a movement of people who are willing to love all people at all times.