Episode 128: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

The BTS team discusses the film's episodic nature and what makes it still feel cohesive, the simple yet complex themes, and how the Coen Brothers make their own rules. 🚀 Sign up for MASV today using https://massive.io/beyond-the-screenplay and get 100GB free towards your transfer. 🎬 Join our community! Head to the Beyond the Screenplay Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beyondthescreenplay ☕️ LFTS Merch: https://standard.tv/collections/lfts Find us on Twitter Beyond the Screenplay: https://twitter.com/BTScreenplay Michael Tucker: https://twitter.com/michaeltuckerla Tricia Aurand: https://twitter.com/TriciaJeanA Brian Bitner: https://twitter.com/BrianBitner Alex Calleros: https://twitter.com/Alex_Calleros Produced by Vince Major: https://twitter.com/VinceMajor Website: http://beyondthescreenplay.com For Inquiries and Booking: Vince@Plusfortyseven.com

Om Podcasten

“Lessons from the Screenplay” creator Michael Tucker and the LFTS team do deeper dives into the storytelling of individual movies and chat with the creatives behind those films.