Episode 67: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The LFTS team discusses Eternal Sunshine’s translation from script to screen, the characters’ conflicting desires, and why embracing paradox at every level enriches this bittersweet masterpiece. Sponsor Get a free trial of Skillshare Premium membership: http://skillshare.com/beyondthescreenplay Show Notes Beyond the Screenplay Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beyondthescreenplay LFTS Merch: https://standard.tv/collections/lfts Find us on Twitter Beyond the Screenplay: https://twitter.com/BTScreenplay Michael Tucker: https://twitter.com/michaeltuckerla Tricia Aurand: https://twitter.com/TriciaJeanA Brian Bitner: https://twitter.com/BrianBitner Alex Calleros: https://twitter.com/Alex_Calleros Produced by Vince Major: https://twitter.com/VinceMajor Edited by Eric Schneider: https://twitter.com/ImEricSchneider Website: http://lessonsfromthescreenplay.com For Inquiries and Booking: Vince@Plusfortyseven.com