Can we save the planet and still keep our stuff?

The online fast fashion retailer Boohoo has revealed a 48% rise in their revenues, a sign that our appetite for cheap stuff is as big as ever. Meanwhile climate change activists Extinction Rebellion are preparing to march through the heart of London’s City protesting against what they call a ‘toxic financial system’ that’s built on greed. So just how much does consumer culture impact the environment and what can we do about it? We speak to podcaster and comedian Stevie Martin and BBC correspondent Justin Rowlatt. You can see Stevie’s show ‘Hot Content’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Underbelly, Bristo Square.

Om Podcasten

Beyond Today is the daily podcast from Radio 4 that asks one big question about one big story in the news - and beyond. Tina Daheley, Matthew Price, and a team of curious producers search for answers that change the way we see the world. They speak to the BBC’s unrivalled global network of reporters, plus occasional special guests, to tell stories about identity, technology, and power - where it lies and how that is changing.