Hands and Feet

Will McGinniss is perhaps best known as a founding member of the Christian band, Audio Adrenaline. In 2003, he, co-founder and lead singer Mark Stuart, and the rest of the band formed the Hands and Feet Project for orphans in Haiti. Eventually, Will and his wife Andrea moved full-time to Haiti with their young children to be active leaders in the ministry on a day to day basis. In this episode, Will and Andrea share their experiences, adjustments, and lessons about walking in faith with a faithful God.

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The Bible, in its pages are the words of Moses, Isaiah, Paul, and others, long ago saints who took part in the story God was writing in their day and is still writing in ours. But, the Bible is more than the words of departed saints. It is the Word of God. Through the Bible the creator of the universe speaks to us. The Bible is powerful. How could it not be? Bible connection is a podcast where we talk about the Bible and how it connects to every facet of life imaginable.