A Bible Prophecy Timeline (Part 10) – The Rapture

Chris White continues his multi-part study on the timing of the events during the 70th week of Daniel. This next-to-last installment in Chris' series focuses on three events surrounding the Rapture: "The Celestial Disturbance" "The Rapture" "The Day of the Lord" This special 2-hour presentation is from the audio portion of the film produced by Chris titled, "Seven Pretrib Problems and the Prewrath Rapture". If you would like to  purchase a DVD copy of the presentation, along with other Prewrath study materials, you can do so by clicking here and ordering from Eschatos Ministries.  

Om Podcasten

Bible Prophecy Daily is a weekday podcast produced by Eschatos Ministries. Biblical prophecy topics include the Second Coming, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, the Olivet Discourse, the Apostle Paul's Thessalonians teaching on the End Times, the Day of the Lord, the Antichrist and his Great Tribulation, the nation of Israel, rapture views (prewrath, pretribulationism, posttribulationism, preterism), millennium views (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism), how the Christian should live in light of the Return of Jesus, and other Christan theology concerning eschatology. To learn about the hosts of the program you can go to the Bible Prophecy Daily podcast website at BibleProphecyDaily.com