Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Part 8) – The Visible Manifestation of God Seen in the Son

Michael Ufferman, staff teacher with Zion’s Hope, concludes this 8-part series covering the eternal ministry and physical manifestations of God in the person of Jesus Christ. In this session, Michael wraps up the series with a discussion on the future, promised, physical coming of Jesus Christ to resurrect and rapture His saints, take possession of planet Earth, and rule as King of kings and Lord of lords during His Millennial Reign and beyond.  

Om Podcasten

Bible Prophecy Daily is a weekday podcast produced by Eschatos Ministries. Biblical prophecy topics include the Second Coming, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, the Olivet Discourse, the Apostle Paul's Thessalonians teaching on the End Times, the Day of the Lord, the Antichrist and his Great Tribulation, the nation of Israel, rapture views (prewrath, pretribulationism, posttribulationism, preterism), millennium views (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism), how the Christian should live in light of the Return of Jesus, and other Christan theology concerning eschatology. To learn about the hosts of the program you can go to the Bible Prophecy Daily podcast website at