Revelation 13:14-15 – “Bow before the Image”

Bob Hunt examines Revelation 13:14-15. These two verses highlights a powerful tool that is used to bring the world into the worship of the Beast of the Sea or Antichrist. Bob first places these two verses into the context of what is happening in the world today and secondly, the scene that is set into in the latter days. The focus and central point of these two verses is the image. This image was to be created by “those who dwell on the earth”, or mankind. Reflecting back on Daniel chapter 3, Bob highlights the response of Daniel’s friends to Nebuchadnezzar’s demand to worship his image. Daniel’s friends show great courage and complete trust in God by placing their lives in His hands. History may repeat itself when the Antichrist demands his image to be worshipped. Bob encourages us to pray and think on how we may respond. Lastly Bob considers various things this image could be. Computer technology may very well be the vehicle through which we receive the Beast’s image. Technology is exponentially expanding in many areas, but none greater than artificial intelligence. The reality of an independent image created by man is no longer a dream, it is on our doorstep. But who will control it? How will Christians respond? Be ready, stand firm – What will be your answer when asked to bow before this image?  

Om Podcasten

Bible Prophecy Daily is a weekday podcast produced by Eschatos Ministries. Biblical prophecy topics include the Second Coming, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, the Olivet Discourse, the Apostle Paul's Thessalonians teaching on the End Times, the Day of the Lord, the Antichrist and his Great Tribulation, the nation of Israel, rapture views (prewrath, pretribulationism, posttribulationism, preterism), millennium views (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism), how the Christian should live in light of the Return of Jesus, and other Christan theology concerning eschatology. To learn about the hosts of the program you can go to the Bible Prophecy Daily podcast website at