BC in Teens and Technology

Jonathan Smith, Director of Technology at Faith Church and author of #RUHooked, shares insights on technology and parenting. He encourages parents to teach their children how to use technology responsibly, not just let them fail and figure it out on their own. He also encourages parents to be an example to their children, using technology responsibly themselves. You can learn more about this topic by checking out his book and by visiting faithlafayette.org/parenttech.

Om Podcasten

The Biblical Counseling in Action podcast, hosted by Dr. Steve Viars, interacts with guests and explores how biblical counseling intersects with their jobs, ministries, relationships, etc. The podcast seeks to provide real life examples of Biblical Counseling in action – what it looks like in day-to-day living. Steve Viars is a pastor, counselor, author, and leader in the biblical counseling movement, and Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries has been using God’s word to help those most in need, and to train those who want to learn to help others since 1977.