💙 Step Four: Resentment Inventory - Columns 3-4 (Mary L.)

In episode #83, Mary L. shares her breakdown of how she goes through a Step Four Resentment Inventory Worksheet. She starts the process by writing on paper: "I'm resentful at? Why am I angry?" Mary writes it all down and keeps writing until she's done. When you are doing your inventory, it is a constructive exercise. You want to be good to yourself.

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Welcome to the Big Book Awakening podcast, hosted by Eastlake BBA, a Fellowship of the Spirit in Chula Vista, California. On this podcast, you'll find men and women who have had a spiritual awakening as a result of the Twelve Steps program of recovery found in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. For more information about Eastlake BBA please visit https://www.eastlakebba.com.