"The Big Game" Play-By-Play - Lessons for Podcasters

In this episode of Build a Big Podcast, host David Hooper discusses the importance of letting moments breathe and allowing guests to share their story without interruption, drawing parallels to a Super Bowl play-by-play debacle. Topics covered in this episode:​ Super Bowl analysis: Discussion of the final play and the importance of letting moments breathe in broadcast media. The importance of letting guests speak: Advice on how to avoid talking over guests and giving them the space to express themselves. How to minimize filler words and embrace comfortable silence when facilitating interviews. The impact of editing: Insights into the role of editing in crafting a storytelling experience for the audience. The importance of experienced broadcasters and the potential implications of hijacking moments during live events. The Newsletter for Podcasters Big Podcast Insider - Weekly Podcasting Newsletter ​ Want more help growing your podcast audience? Big Podcast Daily - Daily Podcasting Tips Big Podcast AMP (Audio Monetization Program)      

Om Podcasten

Build a Big Podcast is the marketing podcast for podcasters! How to grow your podcast audience, better connect with listeners, and spread your message through podcasting with podcast marketing tips from media marketing expert David Hooper, author of Big Podcast – Grow Your Podcast Audience, Build Listener Loyalty, and Get Everybody Talking About Your Show.